2024 Year-End Giving

Your End of Year gift saves babies and creates healthy and happy families right here in our community, Valdosta/Lowndes County and the surrounding South Georgia/North Florida area.

Your gift will go toward helping young women and men who find themselves in an unexpected pregnancy.

Women like Abbie.

Abbie was 19 and thought she might be pregnant. How could she raise a child? She was too young! She had always planned to go to college after high school and now after completing her freshman year of college, her future was looking dim. What could she do? And what would her parents think? She was scared. She wasn’t sure what her boyfriend, Trent would say. Abbie’s friend told her about Options Now and even offered to go with her to the appointment.

From the time that Abbie entered the building, even though she felt almost choked with fear, she could still appreciate the pleasant room, and the people certainly seemed to be kind and caring. They even listened to her and didn’t judge. After the pregnancy test, they talked to her about her options and scheduled her for an ultrasound. During the ultrasound, the moment when she saw her baby, she felt like everything changed, and even a feeling of excitement flooded her. She took a deep breath and made her decision… Abbie found that with help, she could have her baby and still complete her college education.

When you make a gift to Options Now, you are not only helping women like Jessica and their families CHOOSE LIFE for their babies but also reaching these parents with the life-saving, life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Every day, women and men actively considering abortion call Options Now. Because of you, they find our compassionate, caring staff and volunteers ready to help them find their way through crisis unplanned pregnancy decisions.

Did you know that after viewing the “window to the womb,” the ultrasound of their baby, over 85% of Moms and Dads CHOOSE LIFE for their baby?

Please click on our Donate Page to make your gift today and ensure that anyone considering abortion can be empowered to CHOOSE LIFE for their unborn children and abundant life in Christ.