Change For Life

Fill a baby bottle with change, bills, or check, and help meet the physical and spiritual needs of women and men who find themselves facing an unexpected pregnancy.

 In 2023 over $62,000 was given through our area churches during this major fundraising event!  We are so grateful for your continued partnership and support!

Baby Bottles are distributed through our area churches on Mother’s Day,

May 12th and picked back up on Father’s Day, June 16th.

The goal per bottle is $25 to provide life-saving services to women and their babies.

What can this spare change do?

$25.00 = Provides One Pregnancy Test

$50.00 = 5 Bibles

$100.00 = 2 Abstinence Presentations for Youth Groups

$125.00 = Provides One Ultrasound

$1200.00 = Empowers One Mom

We also ask that you Pray for Options Now; our volunteers, staff, and clients. Ask God to Bless our efforts with success, for His Glory, and for the advancement of His Kingdom in the earth as it is in Heaven. Maybe you can commit to pray regularly for Options Now!

Also, ask how you can be a part of this Ministry.  Can you spend time as a Volunteer? Call or come by to learn the many ways you can Volunteer! Call Maryann at 229-333-0080.

We can’t continue to provide these services without your help. Will you partner with us in this simple way to save lives?

Great resources will be available to help you maximize your campaign and keep the momentum going.

It’s easy!  • Call Tammie at 229-333-0080.

Email to request graphic resources.

Need ideas to promote your campaign, distribute bottles, or create new excitement?

Feel free to contact Tammie for ideas! We are here to help make your campaign a success!

**Please note Options Now does not distribute money to individuals.

Donations help Options Now provide all patients with free services.

Options Now is a Christ-centered, ministry which advances the sanctity of human life and sexual purity, empowering individuals to make life-affirming choices.

You may give online by using

the Giving Button on this page!

-Or- Give by texting “Give” to 229.210.3300

from your cell phone!