2021 Calendar

Once again, we rejoice to share our 2021 Calendar with you! 2021, marks our 30th Anniversary of ministering to women, men, and families, in Valdosta/Lowndes County and our surrounding community, who find themselves in unexpected pregnancies. Every child in this Calendar is a life whose mother, and sometimes father, came to Options Now for help.


2020  Calendar
Becky Deas 2021

Celebrate a Legacy of Life 2021

Join us in celebrating thirty years of impacting lives to transform our community! Three decades of sharing the hope found in Jesus, the truth of the sanctity of human life, the power of sexual purity, and the love of our Heavenly Father.

Options Now is Your Local Pregnancy Center Ministry!

During the last 30 years, fathers were welcomed and participated in the support services offered at PSC/ON. The reality we have found is that men play a vital role in the woman’s pregnancy decision and need to be actively involved. Over the years, PSC’s men’s ministry intermittently used male volunteers to mentor these dads. Options2Men, men’s outreach, began in 2019 with the ‘coaches’ interacting with about one-third of the men who accompany their partner to an appointment.

Yes, parents may not plan on a pregnancy, but God’s Divine plan overrides man’s plans, mistakes, and sin.

For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm 100:5 NIV

Rejoicing in Life,

Becky Deas, Executive Director

Our 2021 Calendar

When Timaijia found out she was pregnant, she felt lost. She didn’t know what to do. She knew she wasn’t in the best position, mentally, physically or emotionally to be having a baby.

Timaijia found out about Options Now by doing her own research and asking around. Once she came in for her appointment, “the people were so nice and welcoming”, that she felt like “she had come home”. She and her boyfriend agreed to work together to give their baby the best start possible.

They came to Options Now for the pregnancy medical services and parenting classes and they loved taking “Earn While You Learn”. Not only earning an awesome deluxe convertible baby car carrier but also preparing them to be great parents.

During our 2021 Calendar Baby Photo Shoot, it was so apparent that little Timryn has awesome, loving parents. Since they were our first session, Timaijia was filling out paperwork and Dad was taking care of the baby. When Timryn started to be a little fussy, Dad quickly zipped out her bottle and started to feed her and immediately she calmed down.

They both say that she has so much personality. “She’s so stinking sweet! We are enjoying the new obstacles that she overcomes every day. We can already tell that she’s going to be spoiled.”

We got a wonderful picture of Timryn with her sweet parents right there beside her.

Timaijia would say to any woman who finds themselves pregnant, “Keep your head up and stay positive. Do what’s best for your baby!”

When Ekiatreas found out she was pregnant, she thought, “here we go again.” She had already had a son, and it was time to prepare for her newborn baby. While searching for help, a family friend and Options Now advocate, Mrs. Irma, told her about the Options Now clinic and all of the services they offer.

She loved the fact that the clinic is a Christian based ministry. This made her feel safe and at peace. The clinic’s calm and supportive atmosphere helped ease the pressure she was under and made her confident that the clinic would help her care for her unborn child.

Ekiatreas and her oldest son are both happy and grateful for the arrival of Javian. She expressed that Javian is getting big, and she thanks God he is here and healthy.

We captured a beautiful picture of Javian with his older brother and mom. You can see the joy and love from the beautiful big smiles on all of their faces.

To any woman who finds themselves pregnant, Ekiatreas’s advice to you would be to “focus on your baby and be happy!”.

Ekiatreas is thankful for the services she received at Options Now. “These services are amazing!”

Mary was working both a full-time and part-time job when she discovered she was pregnant. She was already juggling a lot of responsibilities and needed help. A friend of hers recommended Options Now clinic, and she’s so glad she came. Mary stated that she was scared, but the “friendly and comforting” staff made her experience go smoothly.

Mary is so in love with her bundle of joy. She shared that Itzayana enjoys eating fruit and loves to talk; she is a happy and loving little girl.

We have a wonderful picture that captures how Itzayana’s face lights up when she’s in her mother’s arms.

Mary reassures women who find themselves pregnant by stating, “everything may be scary at first…, but when you hear your baby’s heartbeat and then later hear her cry for the first time, everything changes.”

Mary is grateful for the gifts, supplies, and encouragement Options Now has provided for her and her child. “Everything means a lot,” she said.

“Surprised” is the reaction most mothers experience when they find out they are pregnant! Shaniah was one of those mothers. She found out about Options Now through a relative that had visited the clinic before. Shaniah was needed guidance, so she decided to visit the clinic.

She participated in the “Earn While You Learn” program and learned valuable information regarding parenting and resources available for both her and her son.

Options Now’s helpful, and understanding staff impressed Shaniah.  She expressed that the clinic and its services taught her a lot.

Laydon is now a one-year-old, and he’s doing well. Shaniah shared with us that he is very energetic and observant.

We have a beautiful picture of Laydon playing with a number house. You can see how he inspects the toy before deciding to play with it.

To women who find themselves pregnant, Shaniah’s advice to you is to fear not, and everything is going to be ok!

Sometimes life happens fast, and you have little to no time to prepare for it. Kathy and her husband were college students and newlyweds when they found out they were going to have a baby. To their surprise, they were actually having triplets!  

They lived near Options Now at the time, and Kathy was familiar with the services offered.  She stated that Options Now was extremely helpful; she was able to get a pregnancy test and a surplus of help during her pregnancy. She felt heard and supported, “the atmosphere was warm and caring”.

Jarret, Joi, and Justin are now 20 years old and their family is very close. They are well-balanced, active, and intelligent young people. Two of them are attending VSU, and the other is headed to the Air Force.

Kathy and her husband encourage women who find themselves pregnant to visit Options Now. “They can help you emotionally, financially, physically, and mentally,” she stated.

We captured a great picture of the triplets smiling happily.

Kathy thanks Options Now for all of the help and support they received. Kathy states that their “triplets thrived because of this support!”

Selena had just gotten out of homelessness when she found out she was pregnant. Through a Google search, she discovered Options Now.

The compassion of the staff at Options Now stuck out to Selena the most. Selena was having trouble getting a pregnancy test; she found out she was four months pregnant when she visited the clinic.

She shared that Melody is a sweet and loving baby.

We captured a beautiful picture of Melody in her pretty pink dress. We also have a picture of melody in her mother’s arms. You can see the joy on the Selena’s face.

The advice Selena would give to women who find themselves pregnant would be, “don’t give up, just keep going.”

Selena would like to thank Options Now for all of their help; “I appreciate you so much”!

Kia was full of excitement when she found out she was pregnant. Along with the excitement, she was a little worried because she had experienced a miscarriage a few months before. Kia knew she wanted to parent, and she knew that she would need a little help to get through this pregnancy; luckily, a friend of hers informed her about Options Now.

Kia loved the fact the Options Now gives free ultrasounds. It was important for her to see her baby before going to the doctor. Considering her previous miscarriage, Kia needed all the prayers and well wishes she could get. She loved that the staff prayed with her and her husband.

Kia shared that Robert is the sweetest, happiest baby ever. She said that his smile makes any day better. From the picture we captured of Robert, his smile truly does make any day better!

We also captured pictures of Robert with his beautiful family. His father, mother, and sister all share a tremendous amount of love for Robert.

To any woman who finds themselves pregnant, Kia encourages them to talk and pray with the staff at Options Now if they are not set on a decision.

Kia is very thankful for the donations and help she’s received.

Devon was a single mom to a nine-year-old when she came to Options Now. She was now bringing a second child into the world and needed support.

Through research and driving past the clinic, Devon decided to give Options Now a try. The friendliness and support from the staff impressed her. She even received follow-up calls and prayer, which she very much appreciated.

Devon loves Rydge, and she has brought so much joy to her life. “She has been a blessing for my whole family,” she says. She shares that Rydge is always happy and smiling.

We captured the joy this baby exudes. You can see the happiness on her face as she smiles and plays in the tub of water and sliced lemons.

Devon assures women who find themselves pregnant that “prayer and an amazing support system like Options Now” will help them get through your pregnancy.

Devon states that the Options Now clinic is “so vital and does change lives!” She is thankful for the staff and all of the support they have shown her.

Kayla worked a full-time job at a daycare, was a single parent of one, and was attending school when she discovered she was pregnant; her pregnancy “was a total shock.” She drove by Options Now a couple of times and decided to stop by.

Considering her circumstances, she was impressed by how patient and comforting the staff was. The Options Now staff reassured her and provided her with resources to benefit both her and her unborn child.

Kayla shares that Mason is a smart little boy who is very playful and happy.

From the picture we captured of Mason, you can see his playful side. He happily plays with his ears and his big brother and beams out his big, beautiful smile. 

To women who may find themselves pregnant, Kayla advises them to make the best decision for themselves.

Kayla is very thankful for all Options Now has done for her and her children.


Fear is a common emotion shared among most first-time moms. Shamaya described her situation as scary when she discovered she was pregnant. She had not thought that she would be the one with kids.

Through her cousin, Monica, Shamaya heard about Options Now and decided to visit. She was impressed by the number of prayers and the amount of support she received from the clinic.

Shamaya shared that Journei is a “loveable, funny, happy miracle baby.” She stated that Journei is a true gift from God.

We captured a picture of Journei in her bright yellow shirt with her warm, beautiful eyes fixed on the camera.

To any woman who finds herself pregnant, Shamaya’s advice to you is to “trust God and know everything happens for a reason”, “when man says no, God always says yes”!

Shamaya would like to thank Options Now for all that they do. “If it wasn’t for y’all, I don’t know how I would have made it through this journey with my Journei,” she said.

Sidné was filled with joy and excitement when she discovered she was pregnant. She had been trying for three months, and she finally got her baby.

Sidné found out about Options Now from a coworker and decided to visit

She was impressed by the Christian beliefs and the values the clinic upholds, as well as the kindness of the staff.

She shared that Zayvier is an active walker, and he loves to smile and play. This is evident from the picture we captured of him. Zayvier is seen with his face lit up with joy as he sits in front of the Options Now signs celebrating our 30 years of ministry.

To any woman who finds themselves pregnant, Sidné would tell them to pray and stay calm because everything will work out.

Sidné is thankful for the services she received at Options Now.

Taylor knew she wanted to carry and parent her baby girl. She learned about Options Now through social media and decided to stop by. Taylor was impressed by the nice facility, kind people, and prayers she received at the clinic.

She shared that Chandler loves being outside, rolling over, and she’s definitely a dog lover. We captured Chandler’s beautiful picture laying on a soft pink blanket with a cute little smirk on her face. We also have a picture of Chandler smiling in her mother’s arms.

Taylor would like women who find themselves pregnant to know that they are not alone and do not have to be scared. She shared that her baby girl’s birth is one of the best things that could have happened to her.

Taylor is grateful for the support she received at Options Now. “Thank you, you really help out a lot of people from all walks of life,” she stated.

Help Support Our Ministry

Community support ensures our ability to meet the needs of local women and men facing unplanned pregnancy decisions. All donations are tax-deductible. Our financial statements are available and our advancement team is always happy to answer your questions.

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