Our Stories

Read stories about the women, men and families we serve. View our annual calendars and meet the babies who were saved from abortion.


Allison was 25, single and pregnant. “How could she raise a child?”

Recently while working at Chick-fil-A, Allison had attributed the pain in her foot to several days of strenuous activity at work. However, on a hunch, she bought a home pregnancy test, and later at home, it showed positive. It took 4 more positive home pregnancy tests for her to accept that she was probably pregnant.

Allison had always planned on having children and a family, but this was not how she had pictured it. She was nervous and scared. She immediately told her boyfriend, Antravius, that she was pregnant and of her decision to have the baby. He says, “I realized that I had been going nowhere, and knew that I had to make a change.” He responded with his full support.

Allison found Options Now through Facebook and together they visited the clinic for a medical pregnancy test and ultrasound. Allison fell in love when she saw the ultrasound of their baby.

With the support of her boyfriend, her family, and the people at Options Now, Allison prepared for their baby to be born. During that time both Allison and Antravius came to the “Earn While You Learn” Classes at the Clinic. They prayed through their fears and welcomed their healthy baby, Nyla, into the world. Antravius says, ”As soon as she was born, the first thing she did was grab my finger with her tiny hand. She’s been Daddy’s girl ever since!”

Growing up, Allison’s pastor father had always told her that she needed to be married to have a baby. Marriage had been discussed between Allison and Antravius before, but as new parents with the birth of little Nyla, their decision was made. Now they are a happy family and Nyla is a beautiful, talkative, sassy, and active two-year-old.

They recently made the decision to open their home to Foster Children and are halfway through their training. They are thankful to God for blessing them and they want to be a blessing to children who are in need of a safe, happy Christian home.

Allison and Antravius call Options Now family and thank God for bringing them to the Clinic when they needed help and guidance. They recommend that anyone finding themselves in the same circumstances, go to Options Now!

Thank you so much for being part of Allison and Antravius’ story! Nyla was our July 2020 Calendar Baby!

Allison and Antravius Story
Our Stories

Women Like Jessica

Jessica was 19 and thought she might be pregnant. How could she raise a child? She was too young! She had always planned to go to college after high school and now after completing her freshman year of college, her future was looking dim. What could she do? And what would her parents think? She was scared. She wasn’t sure what her boyfriend, Cameron would say. Jessica’s friend told her about Options Now and even offered to go with her to the appointment.

From the time that Jessica entered the building, even though she felt almost choked with fear, she could still appreciate the pleasant room and the people certainly seemed to be kind and caring. They even listened to her and didn’t judge. After the pregnancy test, they talked to her about her options and scheduled her for an ultrasound. During the ultrasound, at the moment when she saw her baby, she felt like everything changed and even a feeling of excitement flooded her. She took a deep breath and made her decision… Jessica found that with help, she could have her baby and still complete her college education.

When you make a gift to Options Now, you are not only a part of helping women like Jessica choose life for their babies, but you are reaching these parents with the life-saving, life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Annual Calendars

2020  Calendar
2020 Calendar
2021 Calendar
2021 Calendar
2022 Calendar
2022 Calendar

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