2022 Calendar
This year our 2022 Calendar gives us the opportunity to “open our doors and share with you a glimpse” into Options Now. This 2022 Calendar shares the stories of these Moms, Dads, Babies, and Families that have come into Options Now for help during pregnancy. The children in this calendar represent a small portion of the lives impacted through this ministry. All Life is Precious and Worthy to be Protected.

Speak Up, Be a Voice for the Voiceless 2022
This year our theme, “Speak Up, Be a Voice for the Voiceless,” comes from Proverbs 31:8. God has called us to stand up and defend those who cannot defend themselves. God’s Word declares that life begins at the moment of conception and that children are a blessing from the Lord. How honored we are to partner with you to be a “Voice” and a Light in times of Crisis and Confusion. We can share that there is Hope for the Hopeless, Truth, and Peace for those who are Afraid. There is a Life-Giving option that preserves Life and Families!
Thank you so much for being supportive of Options Now! In whatever way you Give or Serve – as a Volunteer, Financial Partner, Prayer Warrior, or Repeat Boutique Donor or Customer – You are a part of DEFENDING THE VOICELESS! If you would like to know more about Options Now or do more to support women and families in our community, please get in touch with me at (229) 333-0080 or becky@optionsnow.org. I would love to share with you the amazing ministry of Options Now. Your Partnership is Vital to Our Mission!
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; Proverbs 31:8 NLT
Join me in Speaking Up,
Becky Deas, Executive Director
Our 2022 Calendar

Everly • Jan 2022
When Ashley became pregnant, both she and her husband were very happy and ready to become parents. Ashley knew just where she needed to go for pregnancy support because her sister had been a Sonographer at Options Now before leaving to be a full-time Mom.
“The Options Now people were kind and caring. By the end of my pregnancy, everyone felt like family,” remembers Ashley. She received pregnancy medical services along with parenting classes, “Earn While You Learn”.
Everly is now three months old and Ashley says, “she smiles all the time, loves to babble, lifts her head up in her tummy time, and loves laughing at Mommy and Daddy! I would advise any woman who thinks she is pregnant, to go to Options Now for help! Their services are so important because becoming a new Mom is scary, and support makes all the difference!” Ashley especially wants women to know that, “a baby is the most precious gift from God. Just open yourself up to a New kind of Love!”
Zalēa • Feb 2022
When MiShea realized she might be pregnant, she had just broken up with her boyfriend and was homeless and afraid. Her initial reaction was Abortion. She reports after coming to Options Now, “They helped me see how special my unborn baby is and how God blessed me with this gift!”
Baby Zalēa is now eight months old and a joy to both her Mom and Grandmother.
MiShea shared, “I am so much closer to God now! Zalēa is a very advanced and sweet baby. She loves to eat, she plays independently, and even sings to herself! I would tell any woman that’s pregnant to not give up. It’s so worth it!”

Isaiah • March 2022
Sherya had graduated from college and was just starting her career in Cyber Security when she began experiencing what she thought were menopause symptoms. She remembered seeing Options Now from riding by the office and seeing the sign. After having a positive Pregnancy Test, her first reaction was Abortion.
“I wasn’t married at the time, but the people at Options Now gave me the spiritual, moral, and realistic support that I needed to carry out my decision to parent. God changed all my plans and now my baby Isaiah is such a blessing!” Baby Isaiah is four months old and Sherya says, “He is so smart and he’s happy all the time!”
Isaiah was truly a joy for us to work with when we were taking his pictures for the 2022 Calendar.
To others who might find themselves in the same circumstances, she says, “With God all things are possible!” And to Options Now she says, “Thank you for your service. Please continue to allow the Lord to use you. The staff here was amazing to me. They prayed for me and lifted my spirit up!”
Ellie • April 2022
When Hannah found out she was pregnant, she was very scared because covid had started. She had heard about Options Now from her church. She came and received pregnancy medical services and parenting classes and immediately felt better able to make plans for her baby. “Everyone cared so much! They made sure I was comfortable. They prayed with me each time I came in and it gave me so much peace!”
Hannah says of Ellie, now seven months, ”She’s doing great! She’s learning to crawl, eating solid food, and is smiling and happy!” We agree! Ellie was a happy little girl when we photographed her. We got some really sweet pictures.
Hannah would say to any woman who finds herself pregnant, “It’s so worth it. Find yourself support like Options Now! And it’s even better if you have Jesus because He will carry you through! Cling to Him!” And about Options Now, she says, “Options Now makes a difference! Every penny and prayer is worth it!”

Allayna • May 2022
Since April’s Mom had been an advocate at Options Now, she knew exactly where she needed to go for pregnancy services and support. Her situation was good, she knew that she was going to carry and parent, but April was so appreciative of the care that she received at Options Now. It’s still a big step to become a Mom and, “I needed their love and support!”
April says Baby Allayna, at eighteen months old, “is such a sweet baby girl and growing like a weed! I want women to know that they always have options, and Options Now is the place to come.”
And to everyone at Options Now, she says, “Thank you! You are keeping a service going that is so beneficial to the community!”
Demarion • June 2022
Ashanti came to Options Now after hearing about our services from a friend. She was single and wanted to find out if she was pregnant. “I was young and just graduating from school.” When I came to Options Now and had a Pregnancy Test, my first thought was Abortion. But the people at Options Now didn’t judge me and they helped me see that I did have options.
“They showed me that they cared and were there for me no matter what choice I made! Now my baby Demarion is 3 months old. He loves to eat, and sleep, and listen to music when he rides in the car!”
Ashanti says to other women in similar circumstances, “Don’t give up! Babies are a Blessing!” And about Options Now she says, “Thank you for everything that you do!”

Liam • July 2022
Sidney and her husband were very excited that she might be pregnant. “Our families were thrilled as well.” Sidney had heard about Options Now through her church, Perimeter Road Baptist, and knew that she needed to get a Pregnancy Test. She not only received pregnancy medical services, but she and her husband participated in the parenting classes, “Earn While You Learn”.
Liam is now ten months old and Sidney says, “He’s walking and talking and loves everyone!
He’s such a happy baby and laughs and smiles about everything!” We can attest to Liam being a happy baby. He was so easy to sit for his pictures and laughed a lot!
Sidney says, “I always suggest Options Now if a woman thinks she might be pregnant, even if they aren’t thinking about Abortion, because everyone at Options Now is so nice and they make you feel welcome and safe!
Sidney especially wants to tell the people at Options Now, “Thank you! You are truly a blessing!”
Saylor • August 2022
Savannah’s situation was not good. She had recently left her Ex, had gotten into a new relationship, and became pregnant fast. “Therefore, it caused issues! My first thought was Abortion.”
She found Options Now online and came in for a Pregnancy Test. Once here, she says of the Options Now Staff, “They were accepting and understanding. They went above and beyond to make me feel comfortable and to open up and I’m glad. Saylor is now almost fourteen months old and she is thriving!”
Savannah says to any woman who thinks that she might be pregnant, “It seems like you won’t get through it, but just keep going and enjoy it and you won’t have any regrets!” And to Options Now she says, “Thank you for providing this Life-Changing service!”

Emma • September 2022
Melissa came to Options Now when she was pregnant with her first child, Connor, who is now four years old and is featured on the cover of our 2022 Calendar. Melissa remembers she was young and had no insurance. She received such loving care that when she became pregnant with her daughter Emma, now two years old, she came back to Options Now.
Melissa says, “Options Now has such a loving atmosphere and the presence of Jesus is there. In every situation, things may not be perfect, but it’s always worth it! Now my Connor is four and is wild and loving and Emma at two is spunky and smart!”
Melissa’s Mom, Tammie, the Office Manager at Options Now, uses her daughter’s experience to minister to ladies coming in for help in their pregnancies. You can see through Melissa’s story, the legacy of Options Now in the community and we are so thankful to be able to remain here as a safe refuge.
Melissa says to everyone at Options Now, “Thank you for supporting Moms in need!”
Micah • October 2022
Kiyona was a walk-in patient at Options Now because she needed help and answers fast. She was in denial, but the Pregnancy Test confirmed her fears that she might be pregnant again. Even though she had not planned to be pregnant, there wasn’t any question about whether or not she was going to parent her baby. She says, “Everyone was so kind and generous and it turned out great! I would definitely recommend Options Now to anyone who thinks that they might be pregnant. I really thank Options Now!”
About little three month old Micah, Kiyona says, “Micah and all my babies are good and very spoiled!”
We can agree with Kiyona. Little Micah wanted to stay asleep and was just not interested in having his picture taken. But don’t you think he’s adorable with his little smile while he’s sleeping? We do! Obviously, he’s a Happy baby!

Banks • November 2022
When Alexis found out she was pregnant, she wasn’t sure what lay ahead but there wasn’t any question about whether or not she was going to parent her baby. On the advice of a friend, she came to Options Now. She received pregnancy medical services and parenting classes and immediately felt the generosity and care of the staff and volunteers. “They really made me feel like family!”
Alexis says that Banks, now twelve months, has so much personality. “He’s wild and energetic. He doesn’t meet a stranger and he just loves to wave and smile.” We agree! Banks was so sweet and patiently sat for his picture to be taken. We got some wonderful photos of Banks and some with his sweet Mama too, while she sat on the porch and filled out some paperwork.
Alexis would say to any woman who finds herself pregnant, “Talk about what you’re feeling. It’s OK to need help!” And about Options Now, she says, “Options Now is so very appreciated! I feel like it takes a village, (to raise a child), and they really helped start that village!”
Maloni’ • December 2022
Tamaria was happy when she found out she was pregnant. She had heard from a friend about Options Now and came in for a Pregnancy Test just to “make sure”. “I was so thankful when they prayed for me!”
The road hasn’t been easy for Tamaria and little Maloni’. Tamaria says, “She’s doing great to be a preemie that was born at 31 weeks. She had to spend 46 days in NICU. She sleeps a lot but she’s very happy!”
To other Moms, she says, “Do what makes you feel secure. Don’t let anyone talk you into something that you will regret!” And to the Options Now staff and volunteers Tamaria says, “Thank you so much!”
Little Maloni’ is our December 2022 baby! She didn’t even budge when her Mom put the little angel wings on her and we think she’s a perfect little tiny Christmas angel!
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Community support ensures our ability to meet the needs of local women and men facing unplanned pregnancy decisions. All donations are tax-deductible. Our financial statements are available and our advancement team is always happy to answer your questions.
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