2024 Calendar

Hope and a Future! 2024

“For I know the plans I have for you

plans to give you Hope and a Future,”

declares the LORD.  Jeremiah 29:11

When I grow up, I want to be:  A firefighter!  A soldier!  A ballerina!  An entrepreneur!  A preacher!  A mommy!  A nurse!  A super hero!  An astronaut!  A mechanic!  The President!

The options are endless, and children are often told, “You can be anything that you want to be!”  The Bible proclaims that God has a plan and a purpose for each of us – BEFORE we are born!  Even in the most difficult circumstances, there is Hope and a Future!

Read more below

Hope and a Future • 2024

That is this year’s theme, ‘Hope and a Future’, and it comes from the what God told Jeremiah:  I knew you BEFORE you were formed in your mother’s womb; before you were born, I sanctified you; and before you were born, I ordained you a prophet to the nations (Jeremiah 1:5). God continues to speak to Jeremiah and tells of difficult circumstances and trials ahead.  THEN God assures him that His thoughts are of peace, not evil, to give Jeremiah a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). 

That is the Hope and Future that is for each of us today.  No matter the turmoil in the world, in our nation, and in our life, there is hope for tomorrow.  God has a plan for the Options Now families – moms, dads, babies – that is for their good and His glory!

Thank you for your support that includes you in God’s plan for the lives that Options Now serves!  Your prayers and support are investments in their future – their eternity!  YOU offer Hope and a Future!

Join me in Choosing Life!

Becky Deas, Executive Director

Our 2024 Calendar

At Options Now, we told the parents that our Calendar theme would be “A Hope & a Future” and that they could bring their children and babies dressed in an occupation/career that they might want to be when they grew up. 

Elliana • 2024 Calendar Cover “The President”

Elliana’s mom, Ruth, found Options Now through Google and the SGMC Women’s Center. She and her husband had been trying to get pregnant, but now he was getting ready to deploy, and that’s when she realized that she might be pregnant. She needed pregnancy medical services fast, so they could know their situation before he left. When the pregnancy test came back positive, and they saw the baby on ultrasound, they were so excited.

Ruth says, “The generosity of Options Now really supported me while my husband was gone. They were so nice. They continued to call and follow up with us during the whole pregnancy.”

“Elliana is 3 months old and lots of fun. I love that she’s on the cover of the Calendar, but I really wanted her to be in the Calendar on one of the months. So they said she can come back next year! Yay!”

To those who might find themselves in similar circumstances, she says, “Stay strong! It’s all God’s plan!”

“Thank you, Options Now, for all you do and for your prayers and support!”


Brandon “Future Trainer” • January 2024

“All things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.”(Romans 8:28 CSB)                  This includes unplanned pregnancy.

Brandon’s family’s story is a testimony of the love and grace of God when He took an unplanned pregnancy and birthed not only a sweet baby, Brandon’s brother, Princeton, featured in this Calendar as our March 2024 baby but also a healthy, whole Christian family.

His mom, Celeste, came to Options Now when she thought she might be pregnant and needed confirmation. She recalls the first ultrasound, not yet showing the heartbeat. She was unaware of her partner Kevonta’s feelings about the pregnancy. She was already the mother of two lively boys, Brandon, four years old, and Uriah, two years old, our September 2024 “baby.” She was contemplating abortion. “I didn’t want to [abort], but I just wasn’t sure how he felt,” she explains.

Kevonta accompanied Celeste to her next appointment, where he conversed with an Options2Men coach. Kevonta shares, “[Hearing] how I felt, he [said] ‘Just tell her… because y’all are both in this together’.”

Celeste realized Kevonta’s disposition upon seeing him weep during the second scan, which revealed the baby’s heartbeat. Learning he’d also cried at the initial ultrasound led to an honest discussion of their true sentiments regarding this unplanned pregnancy. Later, Celeste happily recounted that, although she held no expectations, “it was almost perfect how he just stepped up. It was a moment of joy. I wanted to keep the baby at that point, and he just stepped up and did what he needed to do.”

Not only did Kevonta step up for their baby Princeton, but he received Celeste’s two boys, Brandon and Uriah, as his own.      (Their wonderful family story continues with Princeton in March 2024)


Ahjah “Future Ballerina” • February 2024

Ahjah’s mom found herself in really difficult circumstances. She had a car accident that totaled her car. At that same time, that’s when she realized she might be pregnant. She remembered seeing the sign for Options Now and knew exactly where she needed to go for pregnancy medical services, especially in her situation. When the pregnancy test came back positive, and she saw her baby on ultrasound, she knew she would carry and parent.

“Through it all Options Now really supported me. They even prayed for me and were constantly encouraging.”

While she waited for her baby, she went through the Earn While You Learn program to help her prepare for being a mom.

“ Ahjah is 3 months old and lots of fun. She’s happy, healthy, and ready for life!”

To those who might find themselves in similar circumstances, she says, “Trust in the Lord and the process.”

“Thank you, Options Now, for all you do and for your prayers and support! We appreciate you!!”


Princeton “Future Fireman” • March 2024

Princeton and his brother Brandon, from January 2024, share the same family story. Their mom, Celeste, and Princeton’s dad, Kevonta, came to Options Now when she thought she might be pregnant and needed confirmation. Their experience with the Options Now nurse, staff, and the Options2Men advocate guided them both through confusion and miscommunication as they realized that they were both excited about welcoming little Princeton into the family.

Kevonta reflects on his journey and newfound perspective, realizing his responsibility for their precious baby boy named Princeton. “When [Celeste] first met me, I [was] partying and drinking, doing whatever I want[ed], getting in trouble.” Kevonta’s lifestyle changed upon learning he and Celeste were expecting. He shares, “Princeton is a big motivation for me. If we hadn’t come to Options Now and…if I hadn’t [met] the male advocate, we might have aborted the baby and [not] be with each other now.” Celeste adds that the parenting classes have been educational, particularly for Kevonta as a first-time dad.

Not only was Kevonta excited about being a new dad, but he also embraced Celeste’s two boys and half brothers to Princeton as his own. God completely transformed a hard situation into the blessing of a healthy growing family!

Kevonta and Celeste have stepped out many times to testify about their experience at Options Now and the goodness of God throughout their situation and it has proven impactful to other people and organizations. God is so good!

Adalynn “Future Soldier” • April 2024

Cassidi had heard about Options Now from her sister. She and her husband came in to get a pregnancy test and confirm that they were pregnant. After the ultrasound, they were “over the moon”.

“We were looking at buying a house, which we did. We were able to bring our baby home to our new house!”

“The Godliness at Options Now really meant a lot to us and made finding out about our baby easy and very welcoming! They really look out for mom, dad, and baby! Thank you!”

“Adalynn is 2 months old and very active. She is trying to pull up & use her abs to sit up. She can even roll onto her back from her tummy!”

To any young woman who finds herself pregnant, she says, “Enjoy it! Children are the biggest blessing!”

Gloryana “Future Mom” & Liberty “Future Dancer” • May 2024

Rick and Stephany Wagner serve as Directors and Mentors at Evans Memorial Camp. Their four children are featured in our Options Now 2024 Calendar: Ricky in December 2024, Gloryana & Liberty in May 2024, and Ziel in June 2024. 

Ziel “Future Superhero” • June 2024

Rick and Stephany Wagner serve as Directors and Mentors at Evans Memorial Camp. Their four children are featured in our Options Now 2024 Calendar: Ricky in December 2024, Gloryana & Liberty in May 2024, and Ziel in June 2024. 

Kennedi “Future Astronaut” • July 2024

Demetria came to Options Now 12 years ago. She was a High School student who thought she might be pregnant and didn’t know what to do. Her mom brought her to Options Now to learn about her options. She decided to carry and parent her baby, Rashaun, featured in November 2024 in this Options Now Calendar, and who is now 12 years old. Now 12 years later, she came again. This time, she found out that she is having a girl, Kennedi.

“Rashaun is very smart and a great help to me with the baby. He is an entrepreneur and is always thinking of something else that he can do.”

Of her sweet little girl, she says, “Kennedi is 4 months old and is a very happy baby. Thank you for being here for us, Options Now!

Arvin “Future Teacher” • August 2024

Jada came in for a Pregnancy Test and ultrasound when she thought that she might be pregnant. “We were so excited when we got the confirmation.”

She says of the Options Now Staff, “Everyone was so nice!”

“Arvin is a blessing. He is my light!”

Jada says to our donors, “You have made a great choice by supporting Options Now.”

And to Options Now she says, “Thank you for everything!”

Uriah “Future Athlete” • September 2024

“All things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.”(Romans 8:28 CSB)                  This includes unplanned pregnancy.

Uriah’s family’s story is a testimony of the love and grace of God when He took an unplanned pregnancy and birthed not only a sweet baby, Uriah’s brother, Princeton, featured in this Calendar as our March 2024 baby but also a healthy, whole Christian family.

His mom, Celeste, came to Options Now when she thought she might be pregnant and needed confirmation. She recalls the first ultrasound, not yet showing the heartbeat. She was unaware of her partner Kevonta’s feelings about the pregnancy. She was already the mother of two lively boys, Brandon, four years old, our January 2024 “baby,” and Uriah, two years old. She was contemplating abortion. “I didn’t want to [abort], but I just wasn’t sure how he felt,” she explains.

Kevonta accompanied Celeste to her next appointment, where he conversed with an Options2Men coach. Kevonta shares, “[Hearing] how I felt, he [said] ‘Just tell her… because y’all are both in this together’.”

Celeste realized Kevonta’s disposition upon seeing him weep during the second scan, which revealed the baby’s heartbeat. Learning he’d also cried at the initial ultrasound led to an honest discussion of their true sentiments regarding this unplanned pregnancy. Later, Celeste happily recounted that, although she held no expectations, “it was almost perfect how he just stepped up. It was a moment of joy. I wanted to keep the baby at that point, and he just stepped up and did what he needed to do.”

Not only did Kevonta step up for their baby Princeton, but he received Celeste’s two boys, Brandon and Uriah, as his own.      (Their wonderful family story continues from Brandon in January 2024, to Princeton in March 2024, and now to Uriah in September 2024.)

Lauralee “Future Mechanic” • October 2024

Brittany found Options Now through a Google search when she suspected that she might be pregnant. She had just relocated from Central Florida and had been here 4  days when she got the positive pregnancy test. She had no insurance, and no family here, her husband was still in Florida.

She made the appointment and was so surprised when she came in and was welcomed into the warm, friendly environment at Options Now. She loves the family approach of everyone. “They are willing to help in every way and love on me like I was family!”

She came to the Earn While You Learn classes so she could be ready when the baby arrived.

“Lauralee is 8 months old and she is a happy baby and has brought so much joy! Her smile will light up a room!”

She just wants to say to any woman in the same circumstances, “You are stronger than you think.”

And to everyone at Options Now, “Thank you! You are a blessing and you do more with your dollar than you know.”

Rashaun “Future Entrepreneur” • November 2024

Demetria came to Options Now 12 years ago. She was a High School student who thought she might be pregnant and didn’t know what to do. Her mom brought her to Options Now to learn about her options. She decided to carry and parent her baby, Rashaun, who is now 12 years old. Now 12 years later, she came again. This time she found out that she was having a girl, Kennedi, featured in July 2024 in the Options Now Calendar.

“Rashaun is very smart and a great help to me with the baby. He is an entrepreneur and is always thinking of something else that he can do.”

Rashaun owns RBJR Ventures, LLC. He provides tutoring for 3rd grade and below. He also washes cars, cuts grass, and does transporting. He is talented, innovative, and energetic in everything he does!

Thank you for being here for us, Options Now!

Ricky “Future Pastor” • December 2024

Rick and Stephany Wagner serve as Directors and Mentors at Evans Memorial Camp. Their four children are featured in our Options Now 2024 Calendar: Ricky in December 2024, Gloryana & Liberty in May 2024, and Ziel in June 2024. 

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Community support ensures our ability to meet the needs of local women and men facing unplanned pregnancy decisions. All donations are tax-deductible. Our financial statements are available and our advancement team is always happy to answer your questions.

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