Embrace Freedom

Embrace Freedom is a support program for women who have had an abortion. We seek to help women find healing from their pasts and hope for their futures by being freed from the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion.

CALL Tammy at 229-506-5017 IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS!

Embrace Freedom

Embrace Freedom Support

Embrace Freedom seeks to see women find healing from their pasts & hope for their futures by being freed from past abortion pain.

Many of the ladies who have received “freedom and healing” from the past are now vibrant teachers and mentors with ministries of their own. Their testimonies have impacted other women to seek help through “Embrace Freedom”.

Since 1991, Options Now has helped over 160 women from all stages and walks of life to find freedom from past abortions. Those who are healed can walk forward to serve, give, and love in new ways. We desire that freedom for many more in our community and in our churches.

Groups and individual sessions are forming now–let this be the year that healing begins! Contact us at 229-506-5017 for more information.

Embrace Freedom Video

We thank you so much!!!

For more Information please call 229-506-5017.

Embrace Freedom Support

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