
Get involved and volunteer with our ministry. The team of volunteers at Options Now and Repeat Boutique are essential to our daily operation and ability to provide services and minister to the women and men who come to us for help. We are so blessed and thankful for each and every one who give of their time for the Love of Life.


Options Now Volunteer

Options Now Volunteer

Options Now, A Life Choice Clinic provides free pregnancy services to women and men facing unplanned pregnancies. We exist to provide accurate medical information and support to women and men considering abortion. Our mission is to empower families in our community to choose life for their unborn baby and to have an abundant life in Christ.

Options2Men Volunteer

Options2Men Volunteer

Options2Men is our men’s mentor program, connecting men facing an unplanned pregnancy to a male coach that can support and educate him during this time.

Are you called to be a Men’s Coach?

Repeat Boutique Staff
Repeat Boutique

Repeat Boutique Thrift Store Volunteer

Repeat Boutique is our community thrift store ministry with 2 locations. Sales at Repeat Boutique fund the free pregnancy services at Options Now. Also, families served at Options Now benefit by receiving free Repeat Boutique credits, earned from completing parenting classes, which allows them to shop for items they need.

Options Now Volunteer
Volunteers-Options Now

Choose Now Volunteer

Options Now, A Life Choice Clinic provides free

Sexual Risk Avoidance Education for:

• ON Patients

• Students & Parents

• Churches, Ministry Leaders, & Organizations

• Teaching the consequences of Risky Behavior through Sexual Risk Avoidance (SRA) classes

• Transforming beliefs from a world view to a Holistic   Understanding of Relationships

• Aiming to Equip Individuals with Decision-Making    and Goal-Setting Skills

Get Involved & Volunteer

Volunteer Contact Form
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How would you like to Volunteer? (required)

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