2023 Calendar

Choose Life- “Made by God”  2023

Made by God… “So God created man in His own image…”Genesis 1:27

You are more than just One in a Million!      You are One of a KIND!

Did you know that the world population is 8 billion people – each uniquely created by Jehovah God? The USA population is estimated to be over 332 million. The population of Georgia is almost 11 million, and Florida’s is over 21 million. Those numbers are hard to fathom, so let me reduce that amount of people to some unique individuals that are personally known to us. Read more below

Choose LIFE ~ “Made by God” 2023

Our Options Now nurses performed 1,580 pregnancy tests in the past two years (2021 and 2022). Eighty percent of the women tested positive; of those, 795 births were recorded, including 406 Red Rose births. (Red Rose births are those babies whose mother was at-risk of abortion but chose life for her pre-born baby.)

This calendar showcases 15 precious children: Merryn, Kenzie, Nathan, Armani, Paislee, Malakai, Weslynn, Lillian, Caleb, Auden, Benedict, Sebastian, Sullivan, Cassie, and Callie. These 15 children are unique (even the twins), and each one is made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27) and designed for God’s purpose (Jeremiah 29:11). Their mother and father have also been individually shaped and formed by Him, too.

The staff, volunteers, and I are privileged to minister to these families one-on-one. We invite you to read the family stories and imagine God shaping each baby in their mother’s womb. The thought He put into each body part, the color of their hair, eyes, and skin. He is the artist, a master potter,  molding them according to His plan and desire to reflect His image. I pray that their faces bring you joy when you see our Creator God in each one.

Your support is appreciated, and you are an important reason why we can see God’s image in these little ones. As you pray, serve, or give, know that you are a part of moms and dads choosing life. If you want to be involved in the Options Now life-affirming ministry, contact me at (229) 333-0080 or becky@optionsnow.org. I would love to share how you can partner with us by using the unique talents and gifts God has created in you!

Join me in Choosing Life!

Becky Deas, Executive Director

Our 2023 Calendar

Merryn & Kenzie • January 2023

Logan thought she might be pregnant so she came to Options Now to get the pregnancy confirmed. Turns out she got pregnant on her honeymoon. Her husband told her, “We’ll work it out. It’ll be ok!” She said there was no question of them parenting their baby, it was just a little sooner than they had planned. They had Kenzie 3 years ago. Logan came back to Options Now when she became pregnant with their second daughter Merryn, who is now 9 months old.

Logan says, “Kenzie, at 3, is the sweetest big sister to Merryn. She’s very helpful, happy, and loves to smile. They are both thriving sassy kids. I would say to any woman who thinks she is pregnant, that everything will be okay. Go to Options Now for help. They even prayed for me and my baby. And she’s a model baby! Lots of families rely on Options Now for pregnancy testing and services. It’s important to have a good support system.” 


Nathan • February 2023

Nathan’s mom, Felicia found herself in difficult circumstances when she realized she might be pregnant. As an employee at the Repeat Boutique Thrift Store on Norman Dr, she knew exactly where she needed to go for pregnancy medical services, especially in her situation. The father was not supportive and Felicia had even begun to consider adoption. The pregnancy test came back positive, and she saw her baby on ultrasound. Felicia says that the compassion of her Options Now nurse was what meant the most to her. She made the decision to have her baby and even went through the Earn While You Learn program to prepare for the baby’s birth.

Felicia says, “There is no love like the love of your baby to you as his mother. Nathan is 6 months old and lots of fun. He likes to be held and enjoys dancing with his sisters at home and with me during worship at church. He loves all his teachers at daycare.”

She says, “Thank you Options Now for all you do! You could never know how much it means for the moms, and the siblings, and the impact you make on so many lives. Thank you!”


Armani • March 2023

Everything seemed to be going well for Hillary, she had a job and was living her life with no major problems. When she thought she might be pregnant she remembered hearing about Options Now from a friend and made an appointment to come in. She said that she always knew she would carry her baby, especially after she saw the ultrasound. “Options Now was really there for me the whole time with their care and concern!”

Now at 2 1/2 months, Armani is happy and active. “I can’t thank Options Now enough for being there for me,” says Hillary.

To any woman who finds herself pregnant, she says, “Don’t feel bad, everything happens for a reason. Just go to Options Now and they’ll help you!” 


Paislee • April 2023

Sabrina was just 17 years old and living at home with her parents. Her life suddenly changed when she began to suspect that she might be pregnant. She was confused and really scared about what she was going to do. She searched online for a way to get a pregnancy confirmed and learned about Options Now.

When Sabrina came into Options Now, she found what she was looking for. Through the nurses who administered the pregnancy test and the ultrasound where she saw her beautiful baby, the patient advocates, and the Earn While You Learn classes, she experienced the care and encouragement that she desperately needed.

“Thank you for giving me the opportunity to meet all of the amazing people at Options Now! Paislee is now 11 months old and very active. She is such a happy baby! She loves to pick up stuff and she plays with everything!” says Sabrina.

To any young woman who finds herself pregnant, she says, “Everything works out in the end and you will grow to love the little miracle inside you. Just go to Options Now and get the help you need!”



Malakai • May 2023

Annaliese found Options Now on Google when she suspected that she might be pregnant. She had been struggling with finances and other things and now this. She made the appointment and was so surprised when she came in and was welcomed into the warm, friendly environment at Options Now. She felt like a heavy burden had been lifted. After the pregnancy test and ultrasound, she knew that she was going to carry and parent. She even came to the Earn While You Learn classes so she could be ready when the baby arrived.

Annaliese says of Malakai, at 6 months old, “He is such a happy baby! He’s so chunky, I’ve never seen a happier baby!”

She just wants to say to any woman in the same circumstances, “Go to Options Now. Ask for help and don’t be afraid.”

And to everyone at Options Now, “Thank you!”

Weslynn • June 2023

Miesha came to Options Now after hearing about our services from a friend who had a great experience there. Miesha was single and just getting back on her feet supporting herself. “It was the middle of Covid and I was excited and scared because Weslynn is my rainbow baby. She’s been a great joy to my life!”

“When I came to Options Now the people were very understanding. They gave me lots of advice and love. I had a pregnancy test, and an ultrasound and took the Earn While You Learn classes. This is a great place to come for women to feel safe during a time like this!”

Miesha says, “Weslynn is a 1-year-old with lots of spunk and energy. She loves the beach and loves to yell. She’s always been on the go since she was born. Weslynn even knows a few words and loves to help. She’s very brave and not scared of anything!”

Miesha says to other women in similar circumstances, “Do what’s best for you and your baby and go to Options Now for help!”

Lillian • July 2023

Shellby was alone and single and suspected that she might be pregnant. Her friend recommended Options Now and Shellby came in for a pregnancy confirmation.

One of the most impactful experiences for her was when the patient advocate shared the Gospel. “I knew I had to choose life and turn to God!”

Of her sweet little girl she says, “Lillian is 2 1/2 years old now and she is my ray of sunshine. Thank you for being here for us Options Now!

Caleb • August 2023

Dazja’s situation was not good. She was depressed and didn’t think that she could manage another baby. “My first thought was abortion.”

A friend recommended Options Now and she came in for a Pregnancy Test and ultrasound. Once here, she says of the Options Now Staff, “They were accepting and understanding. One of the ladies talked to me and it made a difference. They helped give me the support that I needed when I needed it.”

“Caleb is a sweet boy who loves to laugh and eat and also sleep. He loves for people to talk to him and boy does he like to play!”

Dazja says to any woman who thinks that she might be pregnant, “Go full term. It’s joyful feeling the little kicks before they are born and seeing all the smiles after they are born.” And to Options Now she says, “Thank you for everything!”

Auden • September 2023

Allison heard about Options Now from her sister. She remembers it was a very stressful time. Her first thought when she came in was abortion. After having the positive pregnancy test, she says talking to the nurse and patient advocate helped her make her choice. She decided to carry and parent

Allison says to other women facing an unplanned pregnancy, “It will get better. Caleb is wonderful and amazing! He’s my everything!”

Allison says to everyone at Options Now, “Thank you for everything!”

Benedict & Sebastian • October 2023

Kaitlyn’s first appointment at Options Now was in October of 2017 when she was pregnant with Sebastian. “Because as a first-time mom, I wanted to see my baby and make sure everything was ok, and I couldn’t get in anywhere locally.” She came back in November 2020 when she was pregnant with her second baby, Benedict. During covid, it was hard to get in. The health department wasn’t open, but I knew that I could get everything I needed to be done at Options Now and they were open. My pregnancy was confirmed and my husband and I were happy and waiting for baby #2. This time ended up being different. “My Ob-Gyn called and had me come in for an immediate consultation. I prayed about it a lot and I really kind of gave it to God. Then we found out that this baby had Trisomy 21 which is Down syndrome. But, honestly, out of all the Trisomy syndromes, 21, Down syndrome, is the least fatal and might just mean there would be some delays. So we were happy!”

She says, “Everyone at Options Now was so supportive and prayed with us and I knew that it might be hard, but we could make it. We love both our sons so much. I would definitely recommend Options Now to anyone who thinks that they might be pregnant. I really thank Options Now!”

Kaitlyn’s video story with Benedict and Sebastian can be seen on our Options Now Youtube channel here.

Sullivan • November 2023

Trinity was 2 months into a relationship when she found out she was pregnant, she wasn’t sure what lay ahead but there wasn’t any question about whether or not she was going to parent her baby. On the advice of her mom, she came to Options Now. She received pregnancy medical services and immediately felt the generosity and care of the staff and volunteers. “They treated us like they had known us our whole lives. They really made me feel like family!”

Trinity says about “Sully”, now fourteen months, “He’s a goofy boy. He loves Mrs. Rachel and tries to help sweep the floor. And he loves dancing! Go budha, go budha!” 

Trinity would say to any woman who finds herself pregnant, “Do what makes you happy. Never let anyone tell you that you’re not enough to be a mom!”

And to Options Now, she says, “Thank you so much! Without y’all, I wouldn’t be here today with a beautiful baby boy.”

Cassie & Callie • December 2023

Christina was happy when she found out she was pregnant with twins. She had heard from a friend about Options Now and came in for a Pregnancy Test just to make sure. “They were friendly and didn’t judge me!”

The twins were a little early and small in the beginning but they are doing great now and growing stronger and bigger every day!

To other Moms, she says, “Everything is worth it in the end!

“Thank you Options Now!”

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Community support ensures our ability to meet the needs of local women and men facing unplanned pregnancy decisions. All donations are tax-deductible. Our financial statements are available and our advancement team is always happy to answer your questions.

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